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Stress massage techniques

Stress massage techniques Is also about massage oil, a peaceful and relaxing environment.

Stress massage techniques

Or how too give a soothing massage…

Massage relieves stress. Massage relieves tension.
Given with the right massage oils people get renewed energy.

Some clues for a relaxing massage

The first clue is the massage oil

Some will use a Carrier Oil with some lavender or pine. There are as many possibilities as Essential Oil Blends. Follow your nose. Make it yours. And remember, every skin is different and reacts differently. What goes fo one does not go for another. Seek your fragrance, and yes, it has not to be lavender. Although it has a very relaxing and soothing effect

The second clue is a peaceful environment

Create the right atmosphere and ambiance. Some need the privacy of closed curtains and candle light. Others will prefer lovely background music.

The third clue is a relaxing place

Like the ground or a massaging bed. Make it comfortable for both. Some need support in their neck, hips or knees.

The fourth clue is respect

People have to undress. Best is to ask them to lie down in their underwear. Make sure to keep them warm with an extra blanket.

The fifth clue is the direction of your massage

Best is to work from right to left, which means working from the right. Know that some will prefer clockwise. That means sitting on the left. And some will like an alternate. Respect your own comfortzone. Massage is relaxing, not stressing.

The sixth clue are your hands

Make sure they are not cold, nor wet.

The seventh clue is the massage

Always work towards the heart with smooth and gentle pressure. Work inwards, then outwards. Listen to the signals of the muscles and the body.

Dead Sea Mud Mask

Massage of the legs

Best is to start with the right leg and to knead the leg from bottom to top and to slide down again. Once done, proceed with the left leg.

Massage of the back

Once done with the legs, work on the back. Place yourself at the head facing the legs. Use your flat hands to smoothly slide from head to bottom. Keep each hand close to the spine. Slide over the edge of the bottom to the side. Move on the sides upwards just underneath the scapulas. Then slide back and come back up to the beginning of the shoulders.

Move over to one side and use your left hand to make a full circle on their back. With your right hand, make a half circle beginning away from your left goin right. Go slowly, smoothly and sensitively. Start at the bottom of the back, move up to the shoulders and slide down the back.

Massage of the arms

Follow the same procedure as the legs.

Massage of the front.

Once the person lies down on their back. Follow the steps taken to massage the legs. Then massage the arms. Always work in the same order.

Massage of the face

Stand behind the head of the person. Rub your hands to warm them up. Place them a palm above the eyes of the person for a minute . Never touch or cover the eyes. Move your thumbs from between the eyebrows to the hair basis, back to the basis of the ear, the basis of the nose, the cheeks, the upper and lower lip. And in a circular movement back to the basis of the hair.

The eight clue is the pressure of your hands

The secret of a soothing massage lays in the pressure of your hands.

Be ready to respond to the signals of the massaged person, so they get the best out of what you are giving them. Be not afraid to communicate about it. In a gentle, relaxed way.

The ninth clue is to end the massage in a relaxed way too

Give the person time and privacy to dress up in peace.

Tenth clue

Wash your hands before treating another person.


1. Another way to relax is to find something creative, like photography

2. Pain can be a source of stress. A cushion Can help . Make sure to be seated well.

3. Food improves your well being. Make sure to eat right!

Stress massage techniques

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Carrier oil on Amazon

Natural Massage oils on Amazon

Stress Massage techniques on Amazon

Stress Management on Amazon

Massage Techniques on Amazon

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2 thoughts on “Stress massage techniques”

  1. Avatar of captdennis

    Awesome advice. I been massaging upside down LOL from the neck down. I will do her flipped tonight LOL

    My partner and I massage each other as we are old and in need of the loving touch!

    onward n upward

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